"SEEK True-SELF, MEET Friends & God!"

Korean adoptees raised by Anglo-American parents face tri-cultural identity issues: Korean, American, and adoptee. Many feel lonely and isolated as they struggle with discrimination, racism and low self-esteem. Many deal with depression and some even commit suicide.

The Korean Adoptees Ministry (KAM) Center exists to hear the voices of Korean adoptees and their families, and to share the good news of healing, renewal, and wholeness in Jesus Christ with adoptees and their families.

Priority Upcoming Events

Other Upcoming Events

Asian American and Pacific Islander Heritage Month May 01 2024|Observance - US
National AAPI Day Against Bullying+Hate May 18 2024|Observance - US
Memorial Day May 31 2024|Holiday - US
Memorial Day - Hyeonchung-il Jun 06 2024|Holiday - Korea
4th of July Celebration - US Jul 04 2024|Holiday - US

Spiritual Journey Testimonials

Our Family, Your Family